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Jumaat, 1 Februari 2013


 Sabah Snake Grass Extract

Nama Tempatan:Daun Belalai Gajah
Nama Saintifik: Clinacanthus Nutans
Nama Lain: Gendis(melayu), E zui hua( snake plant,Sa-laid-pang-porn, phaya yo , phaya plongtong(Thai)
Famili: Acanthaceae
Lokasi dijumpai: Tumbuhan herba
Asal: Tumbuhan tempatan
Kegunaan: Pokok Belalai Gajah dipercayai mempunyai khasiat dalam mengubati penyakit Kanser seperti Uterus Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Leukemia Patients, Dialysis Patients, High Blood, High Uric Acid, Diabetes dan banyak lagi.
    Apa yang kami Tawarkan ?
Rupa sebenar Sabah Snake Grass

 Kelebihan Extract Daun Belalai Gajah berbanding Daun Belalai Gajah yg di blender. 

1. Ekstrak merupakan pati atau ubat yg sebenar di perlukan oleh badan dalam membunuh sel kanser. Sebagai contoh kita makan ubat dalam kapsul, sebenarnya kita hanya makan habuk kayu yang telah di keringkan. Apa yg kita perlukan adalah ubat yang sebenar.
2. Ekstrak merupakan salah satu contoh pemakanan dalam jangka masa panjang, sedangkan habuk kayu yang anda minum akan memberi kesan pada buah pinggang dalam jangka masa yang panjang , sangat tidak selamat dan tidak baik untuk kesihatan.
3. Ekstrak mudah larut dalam air dan senang di serab oleh badan.
Good News!!!
I met a man who had Lymphatic Cancer - Stage 4 with 123 lymph nodes affected. His cancer started in March 2008.

Affected parts: 1st: Right lung, 2nd: Left lung, 3rd: Groin, 4th: Eye and 5th Mouth.
After 9 chemo therapies he stopped the treatment on 10/11/2008 because 5 specialists said he can only survive for 3 months. On 10/11/2011, it will be 3 years and he is still living. Thanks to the Sabah Snake Grass (Clinacanthus) which he planted outside his house.
He blended the leaves with green apple (minus skin and seeds) and drank them after breakfast everyday. 
After 3 days, 6 tumours disappeared.
After 13 days, he went for a blood test.The oncologist said that he was 96% cured.

So far more than 1,000 people who had taken the herbs showed improvement.

Case 1) Man - age 54
             Lung Cancer: 3rd stage.
            Chemothrapy 6 times
            Tumour before taking Sabah Snake Grass 29mm, 44mm, 76mm
            Tumour two weeks after taking Sabah Snake Grass
            reduced to 20mm, 27mm, 67mm respectively

Case 2) Woman
             Uterus cancer – tumour size 6cm
             Scheduled for surgery. After taking SSG, reduced to 3.5cm.
             Doctor said no need to operate
             Continue taking the SSG, the tumour disappeared.

Case 3) Man
            Prostate Cancer
            After taking SSG for 11 days, the tumour disappeared.
Case 4) Woman from KL
             Breast and Lung Cancer
             Both breasts removed - 4 stage. Very weak, cannot eat,
             on drip and lying in hospital.
             Family member poured SSG juice into her mouth through tube.
             After a few days, could eat and was discharged. 
            28 days later was all tumours disappeared.

Case 5) Woman from Taiping
             Breast Cancer
            After taking SSG for 3 days, the wound dried up.

Case 6) Leukemia Patients
            So far 4 cases have been cured after drinking SSG juice.
            They also drank juice from 3 leaves of Guo Sai Por
            (Ti Tham Tou) once per week.

Case 7) Patients with High Cholesterol, High Blood, High Uric Acid
             and Diabetes
             After taking SSG, the conditions improved.

The Sabah Snake Grass Plant
 Its scientific name is Clinacanthus nutans also known as  - 沙巴蛇草  - Sha Ba She Cao,  鰐嘴花 - E zui hua, 憂遁草 - You Dun Cao  in Mandarin or Belalai Gajah or Tarum Siam in Malay or Dandang Gendis in Indonesia.
4.Di atas merupakan petikan testimoni mereka yang telah menggunakan SSG sebagai Alternatif dalam merawat penyakit. Itu hanya penggunaan daun belalai gajah yang di sediakan secara menual. Bayangkan jika mereka menggunakan Extract Daun Belalai Gajah hasilnya jauh lebih baik dari pencapaian yang mereka perolehi saat ini.
Extract Daun Belalai Gajah

Extraction Details
Type: Herbal Extract
Form: Extract

Part: herb
Extraction Type: Liquid-Solid Extraction
Specification: 10:1
Place of Origin: Malaysia
Grade: First
Brand Name: Sabah Snake  Gras
Batch Number: SSG001
Natural: Health

 Packaging & delivery
 Detail:               1KG
 Delivery detail: 3 to 5 workdays
 Packaging:       plastic bag
Nama herba; Sabah Snake Grass juga dipanggil Belalai Gajah, nama latin pula ialah Plantago Asiatica L dan nama saintifik “Nutans Clinacanthus”.
Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.f.) Lindau
Justicia nutans Burm.f., Fl. Ind. (1768) 10, t. 5, f. 1; Justicia fulgida Blume, Bijdr. (1826); Clinacanthus burmanni Nees in DC., Prodr. 11 (1847) 511; Clinacanthus siamensis Bremek.
Vernacular Names:
Belalai Gajah
Ki tajam (Sunda); Dandang gendis (Java); Gendis (Central Java)
Saled pangpon tua mea (Saliva of the female mongoose) 
General Information
Herbs, tall, erect, sometimes rambling shrubs. Stems cylindric, yellow when dry, densely striate, subglabrous. Petiole 5--7 cm or more; leaf blade lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 5--11 X 1--4 cm, papery, secondary veins 5 or 6 on each side of midvein and convex on both surface when dry, base oblique, margin subentries, apex caudate-acuminate. Inflorescences ca. 1.5 cm, glandular; bracts linear, ca. 8 mm, apex acute. Calyx segments ca. 8 mm, apex acuminate. Corolla dark red, 4 or 6 cm, pubescent. Stamens and pistil glabrous. Capsule not seen. 
Plant Part Used
Whole plants
Chemical Constituents
No documentation.
Traditional Use :
Clinacanthus nutans is a well known anti-snake venom amongst the traditional healers of Thailand. The mechanism of action of this plant is believed to be attributed to its anti-cell lysis property rather than as an anti-neuromuscular transmission blocker. They also use the plant to treat scorpion bites and nettle rash. In China the whole plant is used in various manner to treat inflammatory conditions like haematoma, contusion, strains and sprains of injuries and rheumatism.
Gastrointestinal Diseases :
Indonesian and Thai traditional healers make use of Clinacanthus nutans to treat dysentery. The Indonesians take a handful of the the fresh leaves, boiled them in 5 glasses of water until the water level recedes to about 3 glasses and the decoction is given in a dose of 1 glass each time.
Other uses :
In Indonesia the plant is used to treat diabetes by boiling 7 – 21 fresh leaves in 2 glasses of water until the water level recedes to 1 glass and this is given twice daily. Dysuria is treated by taking 15 g of fresh leaves and boiling them for 15 minutes. The decoction is consumed once daily.
Thai traditional healers make use of the plant to treat fever. Chinese healers on the other hand consider the plant as effective in regulating mentrual function, relieving pain, anaemia, jaundice and setting of fractured bones.
Pre-Clinical Data Pharmacology
Antiviral activity:
In Thailand the leaves of C. nutans had been used by traditional healers to treat herpes infections. Jayavasu et al did a study to compare the ability of C. nutans leaves to inactivate herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) against that of acyclovir. They found that the extracts of the leaves of C. nutans was able to inhibit plaque formation by HSV-2 in baby hamster kidney cell line. However, the study done by Yoosook et al on the anti HSV-2 stains against oragnic solvent extracts of C. nutans did not show any anti-HSV-2 viral activity. This contradictory results may be attributed to differing laboratory factors and plant material as clinical trial done on the extracts of C. nutans did show significant antiviral properties.
With the recent outbreak of Influenza A (H1N1) globally, Wirotesangthong studied the effectiveness of Clinacanthus siamensis leaf extract on influenza virus infection. They studied its effects against the following viruses: influenza virus A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1), mouse-adapted influenza virus A/Guizhou/54/89 (A/G)(H3N2) and mouse-adapted influenza virus B/Ibaraki/2/85 (B/I) were used in the NA inhibition assay, and mouse-adapted influenza viruses A/PR/8/34 (H1N1), A/G and B/I were used in the in vitro antiviral assay. They found that the extract was superior in its ability to protect the mouse against influenza virus infection as compared to oseltamivir. 
Immune response activity:
C. nutans had been used traditionally to treat inflammatory conditions whether infective or non-infective. Sriwanthana et al looked for the activity of this plant extract on the immune system. They found that it was able to increase lymphocyte proliferation significantly and reduce the activity of natural killer cells (NK Cells). They also found the IL-2 release was suppressed while IL-4 was increased. This shows that the Cell-mediated Immune Response (CMIR) activity of C. nutans extract was partially due to the release of IL-4 from the peripheal blood mononuclear cells. 
Anti-inflammatory activity:
Panthong et al found the extracts of the leaves of C. nutans to possess a strong anti-inflammatory activity corroborating further its extensive used as an anti-inflammatory medicine. This effect they said was partly due to its ability to inhibit the neutrophil responsiveness as evidenced by the significant inhibtiion of myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity. 
Antivenom activity:
C. nutans is a plant used extensively by traditional healers of southern Thailand and North-western Malaysia as a remedy for envenomation be it snakes or venomous insects like scorpions and bees effectively. The methods of using it is yet to be documented. Cherdchu et al did not find any antivenin activity. What they test against was its ability to neutralise the inhibitory effects of neurotoxins of Naja naja siamensis on neuromuscular transmission. However, there are other components in the venom of the snake upon which the plant could neutralise as reported by Watson in Botanical Medicine in Clinical practice where he cited the possiblity of anti-cell lysis as an explanation.
Antioxidant activity:
The role of free radicals in the pathophysiology of diseases has been very well established. Today many researchers are looking into plants as a source of antioxidants. Amongst the subject of study is C. nutans. Pannangpetch et al looked into the antioxidant properties of ethanolic extract of the leaves of C. nutans. They found that this extract had an antioxidant activity and protective effect against free radical-induced haemolysis. This is evidenced by the fact that it could scavange DPPH with a maximum scavenging activity of 67.65±6.59% and with IC50 of 110.4±6.59 μg/ml; the FRAP value was 17 mg ascorbate equivalent to one gram of the extract. The extract demonstrated a significant inhibition of peroxide production in rat macrophages stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and protected red blood cell against AAPH-induced hemolysis with an IC50 of 359.38±14.02 mg/ml.
No documentation
 Clinical Data
Clinical Trials
Antivaricella-zoster virus infection
A randomised, placebo-controlled trial of efficacy of topical formulation of Clinacanthus nutans extract was done on 51 patients with varicella-zoster virus infection. The results obtained showed that lesion crusting occurs within 3 days of application and healing within 7 days. The medication was applied 5 times per day for 7 – 14 days until lesion healed. Pain scores were also reduced significantly. No side effects were observed during the course of treatment.
Treatment of Recurrent Aphthous ulcer
Timpawat and Vajrabhaya did a double blind controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of Clinacanthus nutans Lindau in orabase in the treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Forty three (43) patients were recruited for this trial and the efficacy was tested against triamcinolone acetonide in orabase and placebo. They found that Clinacanthus nutans Lindau in orabase provide better healing of the ulcer as compared to placebo but was less so when compared to triamcinolone acetonide in orabase. 
Adverse Effects in Human:
No documentation
Use in Certain Conditions
Pregnancy / Breastfeeding
No documentation

Age Limitations
Neonates / Adolescents
No documentation
No documentation

Chronic Disease Conditions
No documentation
Interactions with drugs
No documentation
Interactions with Other Herbs / Herbal Constituents
No documentation
No documentation
Case Reports
No documentation
1.          R. Watson, Ronald R. Watson, Victor R. Preedy Botanical Medicine in Clinical Practice CAB International Cambridge 2008 pg. 819.
2.          Andrea Pieroni, Ina Vandebroek Traveling cultures and plants: the ethnobiology and ethnopharmacy of migrations Berghahn Books New York 2007 pg. 112.
3.          Flora of China ACANTHACEAE http://flora.huh.harvard.edu/china/mss/volume19/Acanthaceae-CAS-minus_Strobilanthes_edited.html. [Accessed on: 21st January 2010]
4.          H. Arief Hariana Tumbuhan Obat dan Khasiatnya 2 Penebar Swadaya Jakarta 2008 pg. 56.
5.          Chuinradee Jayavasu; Thaweephol Dechatiwongse; Kroavon Balachandra Virucidal activity of Clinacanthus nutans Lindau extracts against herpes simplex virus type-2: In vitro study    Bulletin of the Department of Medical Sciences (Thailand); Warasan Krom Witthayasat Kanphaet Oct-Dec 1992 v. 34(4) p. 153-158.
6.          Yoosook C, Panpisutchai Y, Chaichana S, Santisuk T, Reutrakul V. Evaluation of anti-HSV-2 activities of Barleria lupulina and Clinacanthus nutans. J Ethnopharmacol. 1999 Nov 1;67(2):179-87.
7.          Mali Wirotesangthong, Takayuki Nagai, Haruki Yamada, Surattana Amnuoypol and Chutichot Mungmee Effects of Clinacanthus siamensis leaf extract on influenza virus infection Microbiol Immunol 2009; 53: 66–74.
8.          Busarawan Sriwanthana, Pranee Chavalittumrong,Laor Chompuk Effect of Clinacanthus nutans on Human Cell-mediated Immune Response in vitro. Thai J. Pharm. Sci., 1996 Vol 20(4):261-267.
9.          Wanikiat P, Panthong A, Sujayanon P, Yoosook C, Rossi AG, Reutrakul V. The anti-inflammatory effects and the inhibition of neutrophil responsiveness by Barleria lupulina and Clinacanthus nutans extracts. J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 Mar 5;116(2):234-44.
10.       Cherdchu C, Poopyruchpong N, Adchariyasucha R, Ratanabanangkoon K. The absence of antagonism between extracts of Clinacanthus nutans Burm. and Naja naja siamensis venom. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1977 Jun;8(2):249-54.
11.       Patchareewan Pannangpetch, Pisamai Laupattarakasem, Veerapol Kukongviriyapan, Upa Kukongviriyapan, Bunkerd Kongyingyoes and Chantana Aromdee Antioxidant activity and protective effect against oxidative hemolysis of Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.f) Lindau Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., March 2007, 29(Suppl. 1) : 1-9.
12.       Sangkitporn S, Chaiwat S, Balachandra K, Na-Ayudhaya TD, Bunjob M, Jayavasu C. Treatment of herpes zoster with Clinacanthus nutans (bi phaya yaw) extract. J Med Assoc Thai. 1995 Nov;78(11):624-7.
13.       Siriporn Timpawat, La-ongthong Vajrabhaya. Clinical evaluation of clinacanthus nutans lindau in orabase in the treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis Mahidol Dental Journal Vol 14(1): 10 – 16

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