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Isnin, 25 Februari 2013









HUBUNGI  : 0179099182

Rabu, 20 Februari 2013












AMBIL HP... DIAL 0179099182... ORDER SEKARANG!!!!!!! 

1) NAMA, 

Khamis, 7 Februari 2013



Nutritional science investigates the metabolic and physiological responses of the body to diet. With advances in the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry, nutritional immunology, molecular medicine and genetics, the study of nutrition is increasingly concerned with metabolism and metabolic pathways: the sequences of biochemical steps through which substances in living things change from one from to another.

Carnivore and herbivore diets are contrasting, with basic nitrogen and carbon proportions being at varying levels in particular foods. Carnivores consume more nitrogen than carbon while herbivores consume less nitrogen than carbon, when an equal quantity is measured.

The human body contain chemical compounds, such as water, carbohydrates (sugar, starch, and fiber), amino acids (in proteins), fatty acids (in lipids), and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). These compounds in turn consist of elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, and so on. All of these chemical compounds and elements occur in various forms and combinations (e.g. hormones, vitamins, phospholipids, hydroxyapatite), both in the human body and in the plant and animal organisms that humans eat.

The human body consists of elements and compounds ingested, digested, absorbed, and circulated through the bloodstream to feed the cells of the body. Except in the unborn fetus, the digestive system  is the first system involved. In a typical adult, about seven liters of digestive juices enter the lumen of the digestive tract. These digestive juices break chemical bonds in digested molecules, and modify their confirmations and energy states. Though some molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream unchanged, digestive processes release them from the matrix of foods. Unabsorbed matter, along with some waste products of metabolism, is eliminated from the body in the feces.

Studies of nutritional status must take into account the state of the body before and after experiments, as well as the chemical composition of the whole diet and of all material excreted and eliminated from the body (in urine and feces). Comparing the food to the waste can help determine the specific compounds and elements absorbed and metabolized in the body. The effects of nutrients may only be discernible over an extended period, during which all food and waste must be analyzed. The number of variables involved in such experiments is high, making nutritional studies time-consuming and expensive, which explains why the science of human nutrition is still slowly evolving.

In general, eating a wide variety of fresh, whole (unprocessed), foods has proven favorable for one's health compared to monotonous diets based on processed foods. In particular, the consumption of whole-plant foods slows digestion and allows better absorption, and a more favorable balance of essential nutrients per Calorie, resulting in better management of cell growth, maintenance, and mitosis (cell division), as well as better regulation of appetite and blood sugar. Regularly scheduled meals (every few hours) have also proven more wholesome than infrequent or haphazard ones, although a recent study has also linked more frequent meals with a higher risk of colon cancer in men.


Nutrition (also called nourishment or aliment) is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support life. Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a healthy diet.
The diet of an organism is what it eats, which is largely determined by the perceived palatability of foods. Dietitians are health professionals who specialize in human nutrition, meal planning, economics, and preparation. They are trained to provide safe, evidence-based dietary advice and management to individuals (in health and disease), as well as to institutions. Clinical nutritionists are health professionals who focus more specifically on the role of nutrition in chronic disease, including possible prevention or remediation by addressing nutritional deficiencies before resorting to drugs. While government regulation of the use of this professional title is less universal than for "dietician", the field is supported by many high-level academic programs, up to and including the Doctoral level, and has its own voluntary certification board, professional associations, and peer-reviewed journals, e.g. the American Society for Nutrition, Nutrition Society of India, Food Scientists and Nutritionists Association India, Indian Dietetic Association and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
A poor diet may have an injurious impact on health, causing deficiency diseases such as scurvy and kwashiorkor; health-threatening conditions like obesity and metabolic syndrome; and such common chronic systemic diseases as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Ahad, 3 Februari 2013




 Berat : 1 Kilogram HARGA : RM30.00 (tidak termasuk Kos pos PosUdara Rm6/kg PosLaju Rm15/kg)
*PosUdara 5-7hari sampai / Poslaju 1-2hari sampai.
Species : Euchema Cottoni / Tambalang
Origin : Semporna
Dryness : 70-75% dried (export standard)
Grade : AA
Drying Method : Sun Dry

P. Matanjun, S. Mohamed, K. Muhammad & N. M. Mustapha
(University Sains Malaysia, Sabah, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang)
  • Serat Pemakanan
  • Karbohidrat
  • Protein
  • Asid Lemak
  • Garam Elektrolit
  • Garam Mikro
  • Vitamin B Kompleks, A, C, D dll
a) Serat Larut - 18.25%  -  Agar, Carrageenan, Sulfated  Xylans dll.
b) Serat Tidak Larut - 6.80% - Cellouse, Mannans.

Faedah & Aplikasi
Kebanyakan Serat Terlarut berkesan untuk merendahkan paras  kolesterol  dan paras gula dalam darah, amat sesuai untuk mencegah penyakit jantung . Serat Terlarut juga dilihat sebagai makanan yang mempunyai fungsi baik  bagi mencegah gejala  metabolisma gula, amat berkesan untukmencegah Diabetes.   Manakala  kesan  Serat Tidak Larut  lazimnya mempercepatkan pergerakan saluran penghadaman.
Seperti kanji Floridean, Iso-Floridoside, Sorbitol.

Faedah Aplikasi: 
Sorbitol dirujuk sebagai pemanis pemakanan kerana ia memberi tenaga 2.6 kilokalori (11kilojoules /gram). Ia juga bertindak untuk menarik air ke dalam usus besar bagi merangsang pergerakan usus serta pembuangan sisa pepejal.  Amat berguna bagi pembersihan usus , khususnya untuk mencegah perut buncit  dan obesiti.
Pakar perubatan menganggap perut buncit sebagai sarang penyakit! Semua penyakit bermula dari PERUT. Jika tembolok dilayan dengan sepenuhnya, PERUT yang besarnya hanya sebesar PENUMBUK, TIDAK MAMPU MENJALANKAN TUGAS DENGAN SEMPURNA, akibatnya, MAKANAN TIDAK PERNAH CERNA SEPENUHNYA, MALAH AKAN TERPERAP, MEREPUT DAN MEMBUSUK! Hasilnya SEMBELIT, NAFAS BERBAU, PELUH BERBAU DAN dalam jangka masa panjang wujudlah pelbagai penyakit kronik seperti Diabetes, Obesiti, dan kemuncaknya - BARAH!
  • Nilai2 nutrisi kolagen ni 10x ganda lebih tinggi dari sirip ikan yu (satu mangkuk kecil RM 300)
  • Khasiatnya sama dengan sarang burung layang2 (RM 400 hingga ribuan ringgit)
  • 24% kolagen ni bersamaan 2 keping sarang burung layang2
  • Kalsium 37 yang lebih tinggi daripada hati ikan PH bernilai 7.6
-Melaraskan BERAT BADAN dan HORMON,
-Peningkatan PAYUDARA
-Membuang TOKSIN
-Menghilangkan SEMBELIT
-Mengurangkan tekanan darah tinggi dan hypotension
-MELICIN dan MENEGANGKAN kulit serta PAYUDARA (anti penuaan)
-Memulihara sel-sel kulit mati (JERAWAT)
-Menormalkan fungsi kelenjar tiroid
-Memperbaiki masalah KULIT dan RAMBUT,
-Membantu meningkatkan METABOLISME
-Meningkatkan fungsi stomatch
-Membantu menghapuskan nefritis(radang buah pinggang), Arthritis (sendi tulang), basal
-Menguatkan saluran darah, mengurangkan penyakit sendi, kecacatan kolagen, darah
badan dan purpura haemorrhagica
-Meningkatkan PEREDARAN DARAH, dingin dan mencegah sakit bahu
-Berkesan bagi orang-orang yang telah sarcoma atau TUMOR 
-SLIM UP abdomen dan PUNGGUNG anda, melembutkan kulit dan mengurangkan sakit pinggang
-Mencegah ANEMIA 
       -Mampu meningkatkan penghasilan susu ibu
-Memperbaiki masalah pengelihatan & batuk
-Mengisi rawan antara sendi, menguatkan tulang, sinews dan ligamen serta lebih rendah sakit belakang dan sebagainya.
- Spesis RUMPAI LAUT, samada warna Ungu atau Emas, dari perairan Semporna, SABAH, MALAYSIA, diiktiraf oleh pakar pemakanan sebagai MAKANAN TERBAIK DAN SEIMBANG UNTUK TUBUH MANUSIA!
Jika Ginseng dianggap sebagai RAJA SEGALA HERBA,maka Rumpai Laut Eucheuma Cottonii,wajar digelar RATU SEGALA MAKANAN!

1. Basuh rumpai laut ramas2 seperti membasuh beras sebanyak 5-6kali
2. Rendam kolagen mentah yang telah dibasuh semalaman, (paling bagus rendam 2-6 jam aje agar khasiatnya x berkurangan,tapi agak berbau sikit...)
3. Buang air rendaman tadi dan basuh sekali lagi 5-6 kali; toskan
4. Campur dengan 2.5 liter air kosong  ke dalam periuk untuk direbus
(kalau nak keras mcm agar2 kurangkan sikit air)
5. Selepas mendidih biarkan ia sejuk sebelum ditapis & diletakkan ke dalam bekas, simpan dalam peti ais (stok untuk 4 minggu) – simpan segumpal kolagen mentah sisa dr tapisan tadi (seperti agar2) dalam bekas bertutup ke dalam peti ais untuk dijadikan masker
Cara Pengambilan :
1. Waktu terbaik ambil semasa perut kosong (selepas bangun tidur – sebelum sarapan & sebelum masuk tidur)
2. Ambil air rebusan kolagen dari peti ais (akan jadi seperti jelly), ambil 3 sudu besar dan masukkan ke dalam gelas - boleh juga dicampurkan dengan sunquick/air buah

-kanak-kanak 2 tahun ke bawah tidak boleh ambil
-org bersalin/sedang pantang tidak boleh ambil
-org bersalin secara caesarian tidak boleh ambil tapi boleh ambil lepas pantang
-kanak-kanak 3 tahun 1 sudu kecil (pagi/malam)
- Umur 7-12 tahun ambil 1 sudu besar 2x sehari.
- Bagi 12 tahun ke peringkat remaja, boleh ambil 2 – 3 sudu besar 2x sehari. 
-Untuk dewasa seperti biasa 3-4 sudu besar 2x sehari.
- warga emas 3 sudu besar pagi & malam
-ibu menyusu utk memberi tenaga  2 sudu besar pg & mlm
-Selamat utk ibu mengandung kerana collagen ini tiada bahan campuran chemical dan pengawet.100% asli.Bagu ibu mengandung 1-3 bulan boleh ambil 1 sudu besar pg dan mlm .Jika tidak yakin sila rujuk ke doktor. . Bagi 4 bulan ke atas boleh ambil dos seperti biasa.Ini untuk memberi tenaga kepada si ibu & mendapatan kulit bayi yang putih.
-Jika terlebih dos sila minum air dengan banyak utk mengelakkan kepanasan dalam badan serta berlaku kekeringan di badan.
-gred aa dan gred aaa boleh makan sekali (campur) tapi kena minum air yang banyak juga.
-Jarak kan masa makan utk mengambil mana2 supplement dan ubat hospital jarakkan antara setengah jam-1 jam sebelum mkn ubat/supplement di wktu pg n dan selepas makan ubt/supplement di waktu mlm
-jika ada penyakit kronik (allergic,gout,kanser,darah tinggi/rendah,jantung,buasir,paru2,migraine,kencing manis, sel dalaman mati, kolestrol tinggi,sakit lutut,arthritis,& etc yang related dgn penyakit kronik)
 Utk mereka ada penyakit boleh ambil 1 sudu besar (pagi& malam) secara permulaan
Bila dah serasi boleh ambil 2 sudu besar (pagi & malam) dan tmbah satu lagi dos ke 3 sudu besar pabila sudah betul2 serasi.Produk ini dijadikan sebagai makanan tambahan.
Ia akan memberi kesan healing crisis dan denyutan di bahagian anggota yang sedang sakit bagi pesakit kanser atau sebagainya.

Cara Membuat Masker :
1. Cuci muka 2-3 kali supaya pori2 di muka terbuka luas
2. Sapu rata gumpalan kolagen tadi di muka (sangat bagus dibuat setiap hari)
3. Biarkan lebih kurang 15 minit atau boleh juga dibiarkan semalaman sebelum dicuci
air rendaman semalaman rumpair laut ni jgn dibuang ya...
- boleh buat rendam kaki lak utk hilangkan rekahan... pastu baru buang..
- sapu kat kepala, biar kering sebentar, bilas.. utk masalah kelemumur & rambut x berapa nak ada..
- sapu kat kulit tubuh ala2 lulur.. biar kering sekejap then bilas..
1. Basuh kolagen mentah, ramas2 seperti basuh beras 5-6 kali
2. Rendam kolagen mentah yang telah dibasuh semalaman
3. Buang air rendaman tadi dan basuh sekali lagi 5-6 kali; toskan
4. Campur dengan 2.5 liter air kosong ke dalam periuk untuk direbus
5. Masak dengan api yang perlahan dalam 30-45 minit. Kacau sehingga hancur. Boleh juga dicampurkan dengan gula batu atau ginseng
6. Biarkan ia sejuk sebelum diletakkan ke dalam bekas dan disimpan dalam peti ais
Cara Pengambilan :
1. Waktu terbaik ambil semasa perut kosong (selepas bangun tidur – sebelum sarapan & sebelum masuk tidur)
2. Ambil air rebusan kolagen dari peti ais (akan jadi seperti jelly), ambil 3 sudu besar dan masukkan ke dalam gelas - lebih elok dimakan begitu saja
3. Jika masak kolagen tanpa mencampurkan dengan gula batu atau ginseng, boleh juga dijadikan sebagai masker
Cencaru Sumbat Rumpai Laut

2 ekor ikan cencaru besar
Serbuk kunyit
3 sudu besar cili kisar
10 gm rumpai laut (direndam)
1 ulas bawang putih (ditumbuk)
2 ulas bawang merah (ditumbuk)
Ikan bilis (ditumbuk)
Daun pandan

Belah belakang ikan cencaru tetapi jangan sampai putus.

Lumurkan ikan dengan serbuk kunyit dan garam. Ketepikan.

Sediakan bekas, campurkan cili kisar, rumpai laut, bawang putih, bawang merah, ikan bilis dan garam secukup rasa. Kacau hingga sebati.

Sumbatkan kesemua bahan tadi ke dalam belahan belakang ikan.

Balut ikan dengan daun pandan. Panaskan ketuhar dan bakar ikan hingga masak. 

Kerabu Rumpai Laut

Semangkuk sedang rumpai laut (yang sudah direndam lembut)(dibersihkan dan dipotong kasar)
5 sudu besar kelapa parut putih (lumatkan)
1 sudu besar gula
1 sudu kecil garam
1 biji bawang besar (dipotong halus)
1 sudu kecil lada hitam
5 sudu besar kelapa goreng (dijadikan mcm kerisik)

Gaulkan semua bahan di atas bersekali dengan rumpai laut.
Kemudian Boleh dihidangkan.

* Jika boleh elakkan minum kopi, nescafe; minuman yang tinggi kandungan kafein sebab semua tu boleh menyerap dan buang vitamin C, kolagen dan gluthathione (agen pencerah) dalam badan kita..

* Ambil bersama vitamin C untuk kesan yang maksimum & lebih cepat! banyakkan minum air kosong..


Jumaat, 1 Februari 2013



Sebuah sifir  yang mudah di fahami 

P/s: 0.025 Mg merupakan purata Aluminum chlorohydrate atau Neurotoxic yang biasanya di masukan dalam produk.
Jika apa yg kami paparkan ini menjadi kenyataan dalam kehidupan anda ..... amat malang bagi kita dan anak , isteri ... meneruskan budaya ini dalam kehidupan kita ..... [1]        50  x 0.2 / 99.95 = 0.025 mg  Neurotoxic  ( racun saraf ) yang di serap oleh kelenjar bawah ketiak. 
[2]        0.025 mg x 2 kali sehari = 0.05 mg. Neurotoxic 
( racun saraf ) yang di serap oleh kelenjar bawah ketiak.

[3]        0.05 mg x 30 hari = 1.50 gm sebulan. Neurotoxic  ( racun saraf ) yang di serap oleh kelenjar bawah ketiak.
[4]        1.50 mg x 12 bulan ( setahun ) = 18.009 gm. Neurotoxic  ( racun saraf ) yang di serap oleh kelenjar bawah ketiak.
[5]        18.009 gm  x 2 Tahun = 36.018 gm. Neurotoxic  ( racun saraf ) yang di serap oleh kelenjar bawah ketiak.
[6]        18.009 gm  x 3 Tahun = 54.027 gm. Neurotoxic  ( racun saraf ) yang di serap oleh kelenjar bawah ketiak.
[7]        18.009 gm  x 4 Tahun =72.036 gm . Neurotoxic  ( racun saraf ) yang di serap oleh kelenjar bawah ketiak.
[8]        18.009 gm  x 5 Tahun = 90.045 gm. Neurotoxic  ( racun saraf ) yang di serap oleh kelenjar bawah ketiak.
[9]        18.009 gm  x 10 Tahun = 108.054 gm . Neurotoxic  ( racun saraf ) yang di serap oleh kelenjar bawah ketiak.
[10]       18.009 gm  x 20 Tahun = 126.063 gm. Neurotoxic  ( racun saraf )  yang di serap oleh kelenjar bawah ketiak.
[11]       18.009 gm  x 30 Tahun = 144.072 gm. Neurotoxic  ( racun saraf ) yang di serap oleh kelenjar bawah ketiak
[12]       18.009 gm x 40 Tahun = 162.081 gm Neurotoxic  ( racun saraf )  yang anda gunakan.
*Biasanya dari usia 18 – 60 ( 42 Tahun )

Tahukah anda deodorant yang merbahaya telah berada di pasaran !!!

Assalamualaikum guys.. Ada sapa2 diantara korang ambil berat tidak akan bahan2 yang terdapat dalam ubat ketiak yang korang beli? Jangan ambil mudah der. Perkara ini penting untuk kesihatan dan selagi boleh dicegah maka kita cegah sebelum parah. “mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati”. Jadi tahu tidak apa bahan2 yang tidak boleh digunakan dalam ubat ketiak atau dalam bahasa saintifik + mat saleh ialah "deodorant". Kebanyakkan bahan2 ini terdapat pada jenama yang memperkanalkan deodorant "kering 24 jam" "anti peluh" "whitening" dan bermacam2 lagi. Mari kita semak apa bahan2 bahaya yang mengancam darah pada badan.

Satu kajian kontroversi yang disiarkan sebuah jurnal perubatan terbaru  ini, mengaitkan sejenis bahan kimia yang lazim digunakan dalam alat kosmetik dan deodorant  atau pewangi ketiak dengan barah payu dara.

Apa itu AC??
Aluminum chlorohydrate dihasilkan dalam industri melalui tindak balas antara aluminium hydroxide, Al(OH)3 dengan hydrochloric acid (HCl). Ia ditindak-balaskan menggunakan stim pada suhu 100 °C pada tangki terbuka.

Ia biasa digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan dalam
deodorant (penyahbau) atau antiperspirants (antipeluh) yang selalu digunakan pada ketiak. Secara umumnya, aluminium chlorohydrate ini yang akan membentuk mendakan kuning pada ketiak atau baju yang dipakai.

Satu teori yang memungkinkan hubungan ini ialah kebanyakkan anti peluh mengandungi bahan-bahan kimia seperti zirkonium dan aluminium yang boleh diserapmelalui liang roma di kulit di mana mereka bertindak balas dengan air dan menyebabkan pembekakan.Penyelidik-penyelidik pada mulanya menyangka bahawa perpeluhan yang disekat boleh mengakibatkan  pembentukan toksin dalam limfa noda di bahagian ketiak dan dalam jangka masa bertahun-tahun akan mengakibatkan perubahan-perubahan di sekitar payu dara.Sekarang para penyelidik memikirkan kemungkinan terdapat cara lain di mana anti peluh mungkin meningkatkan risiko barah. Dalam ujian makmal baru-baru ini, aluminium dan zirkonium didapati telah menyelinap ke dalam sel dan menyebabkan mutasi DNA seterusnya mendorongkan pertumbuhan sel-sel barah dan menganggu paras hormon.

Wujudkan satu alternatif yang selamat? Ya Pilihlah B17 Deodorant.

Mungkin anda juga menyedari bahawa kebanyakan jenama utama masa kini menandungi sebatian-sebatian berasaskan aluminium dan zirkonium. Amatlah sukar untuk mencari satu produk yang tidak mengandungi sebatian-sebatian tersebut.
Tetapi kami forewer berbangga kerana dapat menawarkan satu produk yang selamat tanpa risiko tersebut dengan menggelakkan penggunaan aluminium dan zirkonium dalam formulasi yang unggul.

Kenapa harus anda memilih B17 deodorant sebagai teman seharian anda???
 Ã¼  Tidak mengandungi Aluminum chlorohydrate dan kimia berbahaya
ü  Mencegah daripada terkena kanser
ü  Mengandudungi vitamin B17 yang tinggi
ü  Mengandungi DMSO untuk kuasa penyerapan yang lebih efektif
ü  Bau lebih mengujakan serta tahap kesegaran yang optima
ü  Sesuai kepada golongan smua peringkat umur
ü  Keharuman semulajadi untuk merangsangkan kelenjar pitutari
ü  Merangsang sorotoni di dalam otak tengah
ü  Sesuai untuk pelajar2 ipta dan lain2
ü  Keharuman yang berkekalan

     Terdapat 3 jenis keharuman 
Bagi mereka yg berminat untuk menjadi pengedar di pejabat, sekolah dan Universiti. Sangat-sangat kami alu alukan. Dengan syarat yang modal sangat minima. 

Sumber Rujukan
  1. Jones J. Can rumors cause cancer? Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2000; 92(18):1469–1471.
  2. Darbre PD. Underarm cosmetics and breast cancer. Journal of Applied Toxicology 2003; 23(2):89–95.
  3. Darbre PD. Aluminium, antiperspirants and breast cancer. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2005; 99(9):1912–1919.
  4. Harvey PW, Everett DJ. Significance of the detection of esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) in human breast tumours. Journal of Applied Toxicology 2004; 24(1):1–4.
  5. Darbre PD, Aljarrah A, Miller WR, et al. Concentrations of parabens in human breast tumours. Journal of Applied Toxicology 2004; 24(1):5–13.
  6. Mirick DK, Davis S, Thomas DB. Antiperspirant use and the risk of breast cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2002; 94(20):1578–1580.
  7. McGrath KG. An earlier age of breast cancer diagnosis related to more frequent use of antiperspirants/deodorants and underarm shaving. European Journal of Cancer 2003; 12(6):479–485.
  8. Fakri S, Al-Azzawi A, Al-Tawil N. Antiperspirant use as a risk factor for breast cancer in Iraq. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2006; 12(3-4):478–482

Aluminum is common in antiperspirant / deodorant products

The use of antiperspirant deodorant formulas has been subject to a lot of controversy due to the aluminum base and parabens (chemicals used as preservatives) - among other harsh and toxic substances such as solvents and some fragrances - that are used in many commercial products. Aluminum compounds - particularly aluminum chlorohydrate - are easily absorbed through the skin and have, in the only reported trial to date, already been linked with higher risks of Alzheimer's.
Toxic Overload: A Doctor's Plan for Combating the Illnesses Caused by Chemicals in Our Foods, Our Homes, and Our Medicine Cabinets by Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton

Nature's Gate Spring Fresh deodorant, which is aluminum-free, still contains DEA. Nature's Gate Spring Fresh deodorant also includes
propylene glycol, a common solvent in toothpastes, deodorant, mouthwash, and other personal care items, that is a penetration enhancer and best to avoid. Another kind of ingredient in deodorants and anti-perspirants that may contribute to breast cancer are hormone-disruptive parabans.
Toxic Beauty: How Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Endanger Your Health . . . And What You Can Do about It by Samuel S. Epstein, Randall Fitzgerald

I prefer their unscented Nature's Deodorant (you may initially catch a mild whiff of coriander when first putting it on), which has the rare characteristics of being both highly effective and safe. But, naturally scented versions of these are also available. Be cautious of "
natural" deodorant crystals as they may contain aluminum, and would therefore not be something you would want to use. Most good health food stores, like my local one, Sunseeds, in Cocoa Beach, Florida, are very helpful and can get most things in for you if they don't already have them in stock.
Toxic Overload: A Doctor's Plan for Combating the Illnesses Caused by Chemicals in Our Foods, Our Homes, and Our Medicine Cabinets by Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton

Use deodorant instead of antiperspirant, since sweat is normal and blocking the pores is not. Especially avoid aluminum, which is found in high levels in the
brain plaques linked to Alzheimer's disease. And with deodorants, avoid phthalates, which are plastics used to help the fragrance stay on our skin and block endocrine function, especially in the male fetus. Parabens, which are used as preservatives in these products, should also be avoided since they could be linked to breast cancer.
You: Staying Young: The Owner's Manual for Extending Your Warranty by Mehmet C. Oz., M.D. and Michael F. Roizen, M.D.

Read your deodorant label carefully to see if it contains this substance. Not all of them do, especially those made from natural substances. Even though we all know that good personal hygiene is important, you may want to switch to a personal care product that does not contain aluminum hydroxide.
Reversing Multiple Sclerosis: 9 Effective Steps to Recover Your Health by Celeste Pepe, Lisa Hammond

During the two decades prior to the first world war, an unprecedented number of creations were unveiled that would transform the formulations of cosmetics, and create a
personal care products industry: A deodorant invented in Philadelphia and marketed as "Mum" was followed by other deodorants and anti-perspirants containing aluminum chloride as the active ingredient. The first synthetic hair dye, called "Aureole," was created in the lab of a French chemist. Another chemist, in New York, formulated a synthetic mascara and named the product Maybelline, after his sister Mabel.
Toxic Beauty: How Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Endanger Your Health . . . And What You Can Do about It by Samuel S. Epstein, Randall Fitzgerald

Most contain aluminum zirconium, which is toxic to the nervous and reproductive systems, a chemical called BHT, which is believed to be a hormonal disrupter and neurotoxin, and various chemicals that give your deodorant stick that distinctive smell. You'll also get another dose of propylene glycol, which helps the deodorant go on so nicely but is linked to irritation and immune toxicity.
The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps by Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith

Think about the last time you drank a canned beverage, put on deodorant, ate fish, or had a cavity filled at the dentist. Any one of these typical activities potentially exposes the body to
toxins from metals. The canned drink and deodorant both contain aluminum, and mercury is a component of dental fillings, and both are extremely toxic metals.
Health Begins in the Colon by Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN

Buying organic
food, refusing vaccines with mercury, and buying deodorant without aluminum will create a ripple effect throughout our economy and environment. You can make changes in your life and in your world with the choices you make. What's more, you can make changes in your personal health. You can heal yourself from brain damage by improving your diet, limiting your exposure to toxins, and changing the way you live. You can reverse the effects of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, autism, Alzheimer's, ADHD, and more - if you know how to.
Ultra-Metabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss by Mark Hyman

The following conditions can inhibit or impede your body's
absorption and/or utilization of phosphorus: too much iron in your cookware or your diet; aluminum deposits from your deodorant, antacid, or cook-ware; vitamin E deficiency; diuretics; alcohol; coffee, tea, or cola; stress; X rays, thyroid medication, cortisone, and aspirin; any other drug; too little vitamin D, or too much; too little calcium, or too much; too much sugar; too much protein; diabetes; starvation; and excess exercise. Whew!
The Complete Guide to Health and Nutrition by Gary Null

Look for aluminum-free deodorant. As with everything else on this program, finding new products and your rhythm with them may take time. You may have to try one or two shampoos before you find one that works for you. Do 45 minutes of restorative
exercise, preferably outside. Practice one core-strengthening exercise today. If you decided to include licorice root and salt in your program, continue taking them.
Spent: Revive: Stop Feeling Spent and Feel Great Again by Frank Lipman, Mollie Doyle

Eliminate all conventional
home care and personal care products from your life: Shampoo, deodorant, soap, cleaners, detergents, dryer sheets, air fresheners, hair spray, hair dye, cosmetics, etc. Replace them all with "green home" and "green personal care" products. Stop eating out of plastic, styrofoam, Teflon and aluminum foil. Eat out of Pyrex or glass containers. For cooking, use iron or stainless steel. Clean your air and water. Never drink tap water. Invest in a good water filter (Lotus Water Treatment System at www.Tersano.com).
Natural Health Solutions by Mike Adams

Most deodorant products in
health food stores are made without aluminum. They contain natural ingredients that fight bacteria, such as tea tree, clay, coriander, lichen and chamomile. One product to look for is Lavilin. It contains calendula and arnica, which kill bacteria.
Natural Health Secrets From Around the World by Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S.

You expressed surprise that someone might use
milk of magnesia as an underarm deodorant. I have been using milk of magnesia for several years. Despite my initial skepticism, I've found it to be a remarkably effective antiperspirant. I apply it directly from the bottle using my fingers. It is inexpensive (a bottle lasts months), goes on quickly and easily, has no odor, dries clear, does not stain clothing, and is completely effective in stopping odor and perspiration. It contains no aluminum.
Best Choices From the People's Pharmacy by Joe Graedon, M.S. and Teresa Graedon, Ph.D.

A typical deodorant contains an ingredient that inhibits odor-causing bacteria on the skin, such as triclosan chloride. Most also contain some sort of fragrance to help mask odors. And some contain moisture-absorbing powders such as cornstarch or talc. Antiperspirants, however, contain an additional ingredient that inhibits sweat secretion. "A common sweat-stopping ingredient is aluminum chlorohydrate, which seems to work simply because the pasty material plugs up sweat glands," says Donald R. Miller, Pharm.D., an associate professor of
pharmacy at North Dakota State University in Fargo.
Home Remedies: What Works: Thousands of Americans Reveal Their Favorite Home-Tested Cures for Everyday Health Problems by Gale Maleskey, Brian Kaufman

She doesn't use aluminum kitchen utensils, and she won't use any deodorant that has aluminum mentioned on the label. There has been a lot of controversy in the past few decades over whether aluminum plays any role in the development of Alzheimer's. Scientific studies have come down on both sides of the question. Until this debate is settled once and for all, there's no harm in avoiding aluminum, says Dr. Park. "It's absolutely unclear what the cause and effect is," she says. "Personally, although I seriously doubt there is a connection, I nevertheless threw out my aluminum pans."
Home Remedies: What Works: Thousands of Americans Reveal Their Favorite Home-Tested Cures for Everyday Health Problems by Gale Maleskey, Brian Kaufman

Antiseptics may be incorporated into deodorant soaps. Deodorants, formerly called "unscented toilet waters" and "sanitary liquid preparations," once contained formaldehyde or benzoic acid, which have been replaced with quaternary ammonium compounds. Deodorant-action, liquid antiperspirants today usually contain aluminum chloride, urea, propylene glycol, and about 75 percent water. Deodorant-action, cream antiperspirants contain aluminum chlorhydroxide, sorbitan monostearate, polox-amers, stearic acid, boric acid, petrolatum, perfume, propylene glycol, and water.
A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients by Ruth Winter, M.S.

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